Physical design of multicell thermionic RF gun with low back bombardment 低反轰多腔热阴极微波电子枪物理设计
The methods of lowering the electron back bombardment power on the electron gun cathode and simultaneously increasing the accelerating gradient along the accelerating structure are introduced. 介绍了在一个6MeV驻波加速管中开展降低反轰和提高加速梯度的设计和试验研究,并分析了驻波加速管的电子反轰与磁控管及热阴极微波电子枪的不同。
The electron back bombardment phenomenon, which results in anomalous increase of gun current emission, has been observed in a series of our side coupled standing wave accelerating tubes. 在以半腔为首腔的边耦合驻波加速管中观察到了电子反轰现象,由于电子反轰的结果,导致电于枪发射电流非正常增长。
The electron back bombardment phenomenon in the standing wave accelerating tubes 驻波加速管中的电子反轰现象
Investigations of low back bombardment high gradient standing wave linear accelerators 低反轰高梯度驻波加速管的研究