Natural-born heroes, Ariens make great soldiers, police officers and rescue workers. 天生就想当英雄的白羊座人适合当兵、警察或营救人员的工作。
Makir was the ancestor of the Gileadites, who had received Gilead and Bashan because the Makirites were great soldiers. 至于玛拿西的长子基列之父(父或作主)玛吉,因为是勇士就得了基列和巴珊。
Different as they were in background, in personality, in underlying aspiration these two great soldiers had much in common. 尽管出身背景、个人秉性和根本理想各不相同,这两位伟大的将军却有着许多共同之处。
There are a great many soldiers buried in the cemetery. 有许多军人埋葬在那个陵园里。
It has been hundreds of years since the Great Wall had any use and since the great terracotta soldiers of Xian was buried beneath the earth. 失去了任何实际用处的长城也经历了数百年历史;还有那些无与伦比的兵马俑,埋在地下更是大大超过几百年的历史。