A consumer court Wednesday ordered soft drink maker PepsiCo to pay financial damages after a customer found a condom inside a bottle, a news report said. 印度首都新德里的一家消费者法庭4月26日责令软饮料生产商百事公司向一名消费者支付经济赔款,因为这名消费者在瓶装的百事可乐中发现了一只避孕套。
It not only raises the value of rice, but also provides a new pure natural drink with special flavour of rice wine for maker. 不但可提高大米的增值幅度,而且可向市场提供一种具有米酒独特风味的新型纯天然饮料。
I don't drink coffee, and our children, all now adults, don't either. Clarissa drinks just one cup a day. So we're never going to use this coffee maker unless we have company over. 我不喝咖啡,现在已经长大成人的孩子们也不喝,克拉丽莎每天只喝一杯,所以如果家里没有客人,我们从来不会用到咖啡壶。