Membership in her church youth group helped develop her political ideas. 加入教会青年(CY)团契促使她形成了自己的政治观点。
Plans, organises and coordinates recreation facilities and programs through organisations such as local governments, schools, church bodies and youth organisations. 通过地方政府、学校、教会团体和青年组织等团体规划,组织并协调休闲娱乐设施和项目。
The Pope's address came during the church's World Youth Day, a global celebration meant to inspire a new generation of Catholics. 教皇在教堂的世界青年日期间讲这番话,这个节日是为了激发新一代的天主教徒。
The church also has a youth auditorium. 教会有一个年青人礼堂。
' We already attended the same church and lead the same youth group where we took people out for KFC and watched cricket together which has aligned itself with KFC - so it just became part of our story, ' she said. 我们已经去过同一个教堂,参加过同一个组织人们参加活动的肯德基青年社团这些都与肯德基密不可分它已经成为我们故事的一部分。