Prof Yu lamented that Chinese civilisation did not make a significant world impact in the past few centuries. 余教授亦叹息道,过去几个世纪,中华文明并未对世界发挥重要的影响。
But China's tea culture is so rich and varied, producing only a subsection of the tea bag market share there world impact? 但中国的茶文化如此丰富多彩,只生产某款市场占有率高的袋泡茶就有世界影响(WI)了吗?显然不能。
Purely in terms of passion and world impact, however, you can't get bigger than a match between Chelsea and Barcelona. 单纯从激情和对世界的影响来看,无论怎样,切尔西同巴塞罗那的比赛都是无与伦比的。
" We need to stop producing papers en masse and focus on innovation, ideas and world impact," he said. “我们需要停止集体制造论文,而把重点放在创新、观念和世界影响(WI)力上,”他说。
It world impact customer satisfaction and business development, even make the production process paralyzed if happens data lost. 如果发生数据丢失,轻则影响客户满意度以及业务的发展,重则将会使企业的生产陷入瘫痪。