The benefit learning our place in the cosmos is only hypothetical, and so is the danger. 这么做的好处了解我们在宇宙中的位置只是一种假设,但其风险也是假设。
The learning process takes place partly by nerve cells creating new connections in the brain. 学习过程其实正是大脑神经细胞创建新连接的过程。
NR : Do children learn English more effectively if the language learning takes place as part of their overall development, that is intellectual, social, and emotional? 如果语言学习成为孩子们全面发展的一部分,即智力,社会性及情感,那么他们是否能够很有效地学习英语呢?
Students build on the adoptive learning taking place through assignments designed to promote adaptive learning and challenge their cognitive abilities resulting in deep learning. 学生通过设计的任务产生了接受性学习,在此基础上促进了适应性学习,并且激发了他们促进深层学习的认知能力。
A learner is considered autonomous when he or she is able to set learning aims, select learning contents and materials as well as methods, decide the learning time, place and progressions and evaluate what he or she has acquired. 学习者具备自主学习能力意味着他能够确定学习目标、内容、材料和方法,确定学习时间、地点和进度,以及对学习进行评估。