Summing up the practical experiences of the community-based population control may provide useful reference for future development of China's population control work. Ren Yuan, is PhD in economics f Population Institute(PI), Fudan University. 对人口控制社区行动实践经验进行全面总结,对人口控制工作的未来发展将起到借鉴作用。
For now, as Florian Coulmas, a population expert at Tokyo's German Institute for Japanese Studies, puts it, Japan is " the oldest goose ". 到目前为止,正如东京的日耳曼日本研究所(GermanInstituteforJapaneseStudies)的人口专家佛罗莱恩·库尔马斯所说,日本是那只“最老的雁”。
According to the analysis of past census data, China's working-age people ratio of total population was the highest in2000, Li Peilin, head of Institute of Sociology of CASS, said. 根据中国数次人口普查的统计数据,中国社会科学院社会学研究所所长李培林发现,在2000年时,中国劳动年龄段人口占总人口的比例最高。
Anxiety disorders affect about 40 million American adults - 18 % of the population - in a given year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. 根据美国国家心理健康研究所(NationalInstituteofMentalHealth)的数据,美国某一年当中受焦虑症困扰的美国成年人数约为4000万,相当于美国人口的18%。
This is a large percentage of the population, said Thompson, who is also a member of UCLA's Brain Research Institute and the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging. 同时也是加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校脑研究中心及神经影像实验室一名成员,汤普森认为这种人群的数量非常庞大。