These distinctive looking knights are the Holy Roman Empire's elite warriors. 这些盔明甲亮的骑士是神圣罗马帝国精锐部队。
The combination of full plate armour, and later magnificent gothic armour, a fully armoured horse and a lance, make these elite warriors mobile killing machines. 复合全身板甲或哥特战甲,以及沉重骑枪和坚固马铠,令这些精锐骑兵成为彻头彻尾的杀戮机器。
The combination of heavy armour, a fully armoured horse and a lance make these elite warriors mobile killing machines. 亚洲风格重甲、沉重骑枪和全装马铠令这支精锐将领卫队成为恐怖的杀戮机器。
Encased in plate armour, shield and barding, and armed with lance and shield, these elite warriors a capable of deadly charges and are deadly in hand to hand whether mounted or on foot. 由板甲、大盾和马铠,保护着,持着骑枪和盾,这些精锐部队可以发动强力冲锋,也可以骑马或步行进行肉搏战。
Selected for their loyalty and martial prowess these elite warriors fear little and shrug off odds that would crush many other units. 他们是忠诚、尚武的精英战士(EW),任何情况下都毫不退缩。