Fully secure the proper exercise of parties ' rights of action; 充分保障当事人诉权的正当行使;
Civil public interests litigation is a form of opening litigation rights in the socialized trend of rights, suits to socialization theory of the civil rights of action. 民事公益诉讼是权利社会化趋势之下诉权开放的一种表现形式,与我国民事诉权社会化理论相适应。
Deceased persons own legal interests and their close relatives can exercise rights of action for mental compensation when their legal interests are infringed. 死者具有人格法益,法益受到侵害可以诉请精神损害赔偿,诉权由其近亲属行使。
Such conduct has resulted in abuse of rights of action, disorder of litigation, the delay of the proceedings, the damage of the relative interests and judicial powers. 该类行为使得诉讼权利被滥用,诉讼秩序被打乱,程序被拖延,相对人利益和司法权力受到损害。
The claim rights from the rights of thing and the rights of action for the recovery of damages are different in aims and functions, basis of right, the claim for damages, principles of blaming, duty forms and whether they are applicable to the litigious time-efficiency. 物权请求权与损害赔偿请求权在目的与功能、权利基础、损害的要求、归责原则、责任方式以及是否适用诉讼时效等方面存在着明显的不同;