Public Citizen(PC), a watchdog group, has found that some drug information sheets are dangerously wrong or misleading. 公民诉讼组织(一个监督机构)曾发现有些药品信息有一些危险的错误或误导性。
In Peiping or in Shanghai he is the most effective public citizen wherever he is found. 无论是在北平、还是在上海,所到之处他都是最有影响力的公众人物。
He teamed up with health advocates from Public Citizen(PC), a public interest group in Washington, D.C., that has expressed grave concerns about the blood substitutes. 他与一个华盛顿特区的民间健康提倡者集团合作,表达了他们对血液替代品的庄重的关注。
The watchdog group Public Citizen(PC), whose researchers co-authored the study, have filed suit seeking information on " trade secret " payments. 监察组织PubicCitizen,此次调查的作者已经在“商业机密”支出上提出了合适的搜索信息功能。
Lori Wallach, director of the trade program at the watchdog group Public Citizen(PC) says that rather than increase employment at home, the agreement will merely promote job growth overseas. 美国消费者维权团体“公共市民(PublicCitizen)”贸易政策负责人洛瑞•沃勒克(LoriWallach)表示,这项协议将只会促进海外就业的增长,而对美国国内就业没什么帮助。