The Labor party campaigned on same-sex marriage during the election and it is only right that they support equality now. Any moves to weaken this position by voting with Mr. Abbott would be a breach of trust with the public, she added. 工党在选举期间辩论了同性婚姻,只有支持婚姻平等法才是唯一正确的出路。任何跟阿伯特先生一起投票削弱这一立场的人都会失去公众的信赖,她补充道。
The equality of educational opportunity now is the one of most important rights of American children and the right is guaranteed by allocating educational resources reasonably. 教育机会平等是当今美国儿童最重要的权利之一,其以教育资源的合理分配为保障。
After decades of gender equality campaigning many women now find it hard to admit that they want to be a housewife more than they want a successful career of their own, she said. 可悲的是,经过数十年来的女性平等权益斗争以来,还是有很多女人羞于承认她们内心深处更希望做一名家庭主妇,而非女强人。
Liberty, equality, and solidarity now become the three fundamental values of western political ideals. 自由、平等、团结,成为现代西方政治理想的三个基本价值。
It can start a dialogue, but a dialogue needs more than a good film, Ms. Feng said. It needs a sense of respect and equality between minorities, and right now these conditions are lacking. 它能引发一场对话,但是对话需要的不只是一部好电影,冯媛说,它需要各个民族互相尊重,保持平等,目前我们缺乏这种环境。