For the last three years, Project Inform(PI) has spearheaded a renewed call for research that seeks to find a real cure for HIV disease, rather than settling for lifetime maintenance therapy on drugs. 在前三年中,大量的号召学术界寻找一个可以是真正意义的艾滋病彻底治愈的方案,这样就能解决感染者终生吃药的治疗手段。
Microfinance in the form of microcredit develop from 90s of the 20th century to today, from the initial developing in project inform to now actively exploring agencies operating in the form of sustainable development. 微型金融以小额信贷的形式从上个世纪的90年代发展到今天,从最初的以项目形式运作到如今积极探索机构可持续发展。
When User registration information received notification via SMS audit, they can download the client for project application by user name and password, after the approval of the project the system will inform the project applicant SMS. 用户接到注册信息通过审核的短信通知后,就可以凭用户名和密码下载客户端进行项目申报,项目通过审批后,系统会短信通知项目申报人。
The project supervision department shall timely inform the construction company of the process or part of on-site supervision project in writing, and require the construction company to inform the Engineer in charge24h prior to the construction of the process or part. 监理工程部及时将要旁站监理项目工序或部位书面通知施工单位,并要求施工单位在该工序或部位施工前,提前24h通知主管监理工程师。
Final project presentations take place in a public forum, and serve to inform future development of the information infrastructure. 期末专题报告将在公共论坛进行,以说明信息基础设施未来的发展。