He says the added profits could be important if the European Union cuts farm aid in the coming years. 他说如果在未来的几年里欧盟取消农业资助,那么生物工程农作物的额外收益是非常重要的。
Earlier this week, EU Farm Commissioner Dacian Ciolos proposed farm aid of two hundred twenty million dollars. 本周早些时候,欧盟农业专员达奇安Ciolos建议农场二亿二千万美元的援助。
With the benefits of EU membership in full flow, from farm aid to political security, elites will fight hard against populist efforts to change course. 鉴于作为欧盟成员国所得到的全部利益,从农业补贴到政治稳定,那些精英分子将同民粹主义分子改变政治航向的努力展开大力斗争。
The Bush administration's farm bill proposal will aid in getting the stalled Doha round of world trade talks going, even before it passes, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said last week. 农业部长迈克•约翰斯上周说,布什政府有关农业法案的提议将会推动陷于停顿的多哈回合世贸谈判,尽管目前尚未通过。