When did ship's master and chief officer receive the fire alarm? 船长和大副是什么时候收到报警信号的?
Master and chief mate, chief engineer and second engineer are not permitted to go shore together during berthing time. 在海事管理中,船长和大副、轮机长和大管轮不得同时离船。
Inspection insulation installation for master room, Chief engineer room, electrical engineer room before install panel. 船长室、机长室、机员室上板前检查隔热安装。
Completeness delivery of accommodation ( joiner work and interior decoration of accommodation ) for master room ( chief engineer room ). 船长室(轮机长室)舱室完整性(木工和内部装饰)提交。
The master, the chief engineer and the chief navigating officer shall have, in addition to their sleeping rooms, an adjoining sitting room, day room or equivalent additional space; 除卧室外,船长、轮机长和大副还应有相连的起居室、休息室或等效的额外空间。