It is a modularized integration software of data analysis. It provides a series of perfect functions such as data management, statistic analysis, analytic regression, graph display, and files output etc. 该软件是一套模块化的集成数据分析工具,具备完善的数据管理、统计分析、解析回归和图表显示、文件输出等一系列功能。
Regression software programs graph the sample points and give the ( cost-function ) formula of the straight line that best fits the points. 回归软件程序将样本点用图表示,并且给出最拟合样本点的直线的价值函数公式。
Part two : the principle and technology for IP Groundwater Prospecting, such as forward simulation, inversion explanation, regression analysis and graph drawing, are introduced emphatically. 第二部分重点介绍激电找水的基本原理和技术,包括正演模拟、测深曲线数值解释方法、线性回归分析、图形处理。
This paper researches the algorithm of SVM regression ( SVR ) systematically, and makes the result by the graph form through the visible programming. 本文对SVM的回归算法(即SVR算法)进行了系统地研究,不仅研究了具体的回归算法,而且通过可视化的编程使结果以图表的形式清晰的显示出来。
In the preprocessing stage, the audio data was recognized into syllable graph which included high accuracy syllable candidates, and unsupervised MLLR ( maximum likelihood linear regression ) adaptation was carried out iteratively to further improve the accuracy of the syllable graph. 预处理阶段将语音数据识别成具有高覆盖率的拼音图,在这一过程中通过若干次的无监督最大似然线性回归自适应算法渐次提高拼音图的质量。