Routes and methods of strengthening the medical humanities education in China 加强我国医学人文(MH)素质教育的途径和方法
She also extensively serves for Chinese medical humanities development, professional organizations, academic groups, and the training to social workers of health care system. 她还广泛参与了中国医学人文(MH)学学科发展、专业学术团体的组织管理和医疗社会工作者的培训工作。
Essence of Medicine and Medical Education and Training Medical Humanities(MH) Spirit 医学、医学教育的本质与医学人文(MH)精神的培养
Fifth, deficiency of the medical humanities and physician's professionalism including the use of standardized patients, will undermine the physician's professionalism from the beginning. 临床教学中人文医学和医师职业精神的缺失,包括使用标准病人,从起点就削弱了医师职业精神的培养。
In this paper, the meaning of the medical humanities education in basic medical education and the reason that why it is treated as an unnecessary item and ignored by most of us before were analysed. 本文分析了基础医学教育阶段实施医学人文(MH)教育的意义和受到冷落的原因;