Second, it will look to cut the fees Fannie and Freddie charge on the loans they guarantee and might also direct the companies to ease underwriting standards. 其次,它希望降低房利美及房地美收取的贷款担保费,并可能指示这两家公司放宽承保标准。
Costs of RS consist of the direction cost and the indirection cost. The direct cost refers to dividend and underwriting fee. The indirect cost is agent cost caused by RS. 配股的成本包括直接成本和间接成本,直接成本指股利以及承销费用,间接成本则是资本结构变化引致的代理成本。
A trader at a primary dealer who asked not to be identified said orders for Treasury purchases from China at auctions stopped last year and that their direct bidding had made it harder to judge the success of underwriting sales. 一家一级交易商的一名要求不具名的交易员表示,中国在美国国债发售时下单购买的做法去年停止,他们的直接竞购加大了判断承销国债拍卖成功与否的难度。
Insurance risk management has quite effect on risk control and profit ability. Underwriting risk management, the most effective and direct means on risk control, is focus on academe and underwriting. 保险风险管理对保险公司的风险控制和盈利能力有相当大的影响,而核保风险管理是保险公司最为有力、最为直接的风险管控手段,是目前学术界和保险业共同关注的焦点。
Multi - national banks are targeting one of the biggest wealth management markets in Asia and a corporate sector that is one of the biggest sources of foreign direct investment into China and thus holds huge promise for the lending, advisory and underwriting businesses. 台湾的理财市场是亚洲最大的财富管理市场之一,而台湾企业则是中国大陆最大的外国直接投资来源之一,因此在贷款、顾问和承销业务方面拥有巨大潜力。