The economic globalization, the rapid development of information technology, management of customer orientation and value chain integration, the traditional management theory put forward new challenge, enterprise management must adapt to these challenges, to change the management idea and management method. 经济全球化、信息技术的飞速发展、经营的顾客导向和价值链的整合等,都对传统的管理理论提出了新的挑战,要求企业管理必须适应这些挑战,在管理理念和管理方法上进行变革。
The experimental scheme has adopted supplementary information sharing structure, zero dis-tance interactive technology and unified content orientation technology. 该实验方案使用了互补型信息共享结构、零距离交互技术、统一内容定位技术。
But it also has subjective reasons of information technology teacher. Particularly, information technology teachers ' professional development was directly affected by the unclear orientation to the information technology lessons. 导致该现状发生既有社会、教育行政机构等客观原因,也有信息技术教师的主观因素,尤其是对信息技术课的定位不明确,直接影响了信息技术教师队伍的专业发展。
This paper introduces main information technology application direction in medicine domain. Current development situation of above orientation is analyzed and the comment on the next step is shown. 介绍了当前信息技术在医药领域的主要应用方向,分析了各研究方向的发展现状并对其未来发展趋势进行了探讨。
For Geographic information system is a major part in information technology, it plays a noticeable role in society and the space orientation related-service. 地理信息技术作为信息技术的重要组成部分,在社会与空间定位服务相关领域起到了不可忽视的作用。