The article studied the thermal desorption behavior of PCDD / Fs on the fly ash under anoxic conditions. 研究了垃圾焚烧产生的飞灰中二恶英在隔绝空气受热条件下的热脱附行为及规律。
Analysis on Trace Benzene in Carbon Dioxide For Food With Thermal Desorption(TD) And Gas Chromatography 应用热解吸(TD)/气相色谱技术分析食品级二氧化碳中痕量苯
A determination method of total volatile organic compound in indoor air by thermal desorption gas chromatography with direct injection was established. 建立室内空气中总挥发性有机化合物的热解吸(TD)直接进样气相色谱分析方法。
The thermal desorption modulator is a short, heated section at the head of the capillary column. 热解吸(TD)调制器是在毛细管柱前端的一段短的加热段。
Detection of Trace Benzene in Air Using Thermal Desorption(TD) / Chemiluminescence 热解吸(TD)/化学发光联用技术检测空气中痕量苯