Focusing on study of bronze vessels in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, this paper discusses in detail the complete process of origin, birth and development of Bronze Vessel Art. 本文以夏商周时期的青铜容器为研究对象,详细论述了青铜器艺术的渊源、起源和发展的完整过程。
Experiments prove that the relatively complete time history curve of the shock load on the inner-wall of a vessel can be accurately measured with traveling wave rod pressure gages. 通过实验,获得了比较完整的容器(TCV)内壁上冲击波载荷曲线,测量结果的重复性和一致性很好。
Based on the research of this paper, the complete transient sealing analysis program system with self intellectual property rights has been developed which can be applied in any reactor pressure vessel with different shape. 本文研制了一套具有自主知识产权、可以应用于任意形状的反应堆压力容器的瞬态密封分析程序系统。