Thanks to his dress of a National Guardsman(NG), he had made his way without difficulty. 幸亏他那身国民自卫军的制服,很顺利地就通过了。
Another spread out over his coat the cross-belt and cartridge-box of a National Guardsman(NG), the cover of the cartridge-box being ornamented with this inscription in red worsted : Public Order. 另一个在他的骑马服外面系上一副国民自卫军用的那种皮带和一个盛子弹的方皮盒,盒盖上还有装饰,一块红毛呢,上面印了“公共秩序”几个字。
Some quite literally : In2001, a30-year-old National Guardsman(NG) from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, legally changed his name to Optimus Prime. 有许多这样的真实故事:2001年,一位来自俄亥俄州凯霍加福尔斯市30多岁的国民警卫队(NG)士兵,依据法律把自己的名字改成了“擎天柱”。
The child was dressed as a National Guardsman(NG), owing to the insurrection, and the father had remained clad as a bourgeois out of prudence. 由于处于动乱时期,孩子穿一身国民自卫军的服装;而父亲仍是有产者的打扮,而这是为了谨慎。
A National Guardsman(NG) who had taken aim at Enjolras, lowered his gun, saying : " It seems to me that I am about to shoot a flower. " ①一个国民自卫军瞄准安灼拉后,又垂下他的武器说:“我感到似乎要去枪杀一朵花。”