We offer them our love because they have asked us, not because helping others fills our own need to be needed. 我们献爱心是根据他人的需求,而不是用来填补我们自己内心的需求。
We also offer our sincere love of interstellar hegemony-it is a world fascinated by people. 我们也衷心喜欢着星际争霸&它是一个让人着迷的世界。
What kind of specialties we designers can offer to people who love life? 对于热爱生活的您,作为设计师的我们能为您的生活提供点什么特别的?
We love you deeply and offer this out of our love for you and to assist humanity in moving forward in your ascension with the rest of the consensus of Earth. 我们深深的爱你,并出于我们的爱而提供这些给你,来协助人类跟着地球一致实相的其它王国一起在提升中继续前进。