The Linux box on which this script is executing answers many IP addresses. 执行这个脚本的LinuxBox响应很多的IP地址。
You will have two processes : one server process running on a older Linux kernel, and the FUSE client process running on a Linux box with the latest kernel. 您需要两个进程:一个是在较旧的Linux内核上运行的服务器进程,另外一个是在具有最新内核的Linux系统上运行的一个FUSE客户机进程。
CoLinux feels like a separate Linux box & the guest kernel's internals are separated from the host kernel's internals. coLinux感觉像是一个独立的Linux机器&客户内核的内部结构与宿主内核的内部结构是分开的。
So, if you're inexperienced with making " under the hood " modifications to your Linux system, you 'll definitely want to do this on a non-critical Linux box, at least for your first time. 因此,如果您在对Linux系统内部更改方面没有经验的话,毫无疑问您应该在一个无关紧要的Linux机器上这样做,至少第一次应该这样。
For most users, the learning curve required to transform a Linux box into a " personal " computer is too steep. 对多数用户来说,把linux机器改造成“个人”计算机所需的学习曲线也是非常陡的。