The Applications of Compression Vector Chinese Character Library in Chinese Character Disk Operating Systems(DOS) 压缩矢量汉字库在汉字系统中的应用
The main problem with GPT is one of compatibility : Low-level disk utilities and operating systems must all support GPT. GPT的主要问题是兼容性:低级别磁盘工具和操作系统必须全部支持GPT。
Although supported by LVM, using an LVM on top of an entire disk is not recommended : Other operating systems may see this disk as uninitialized and wipe it out! 尽管LVM支持在整个磁盘上使用LVM,但是不建议这么做:其他操作系统可能认为这个磁盘没有初始化,可能会破坏它!
This paper describes the store structure, internal identification and search method of disk files supported under the VAX / VMS operating systems, discusses how to recover the disk files deleted incorrectly and the design method of the utility software DFR. 本文叙述了在VAX/VMS操作系统支持下磁盘文件的存贮结构,内部标识及查询方法,讨论了如何对误删的磁盘文件进行恢复以及实用软件DFR的设计方法。
Our Network Ram Disk has been implemented both on the Linux operating systems, as a block device driver without any modifications to the kernel code. 我们的网络RAMDisk是在Linux操作系统下,作为一个块设备驱动程序来实现的,因此,不需要修改任何Linux系统的内核代码。