Interactive Brokers(IB) Group Inc is banning clients from borrowing money to buy some Chinese stocks, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,美国经纪商盈透证券已禁止客户以保证金方式买进部分中国公司股票。
Andrew Wilkinson, senior market analyst at Interactive Brokers(IB), said that without its generous liquidity provision throughout 2009, China's economy might not have withstood the external shocks created when US financial markets seized up. 盈透证券(InteractiveBrokers)高级市场分析师安德鲁威尔金森(AndrewWilkinson)表示,如果不是去年全年充裕的流动资金供给,中国经济或许就不能经受住美国金融市场失灵带来的外部冲击。