Justification is an act of God's free grace, wherein he pardons all our sins, and accepts us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone. 「称义」是神白白恩典的行动,在其中神赦免我们一切的罪恶,接纳我们在祂面前为义人,这唯独因为基督的义归算给我们,而我们只是凭信心接受而已。
Adoption is an act of God's free grace, whereby we are received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges of the sons of God. 「得儿女名分」是神白白恩典的行动,藉此我们被收纳为神家的人,使得我们有权享受神儿女的一切特别权益。
And it is redemption thus conceived that provides the mediacy through which justification by God's free grace is applied. 这样理解救赎,才能显出上帝白白、恩典的称义,是藉著什麽方法施行。
Believing and being baptized are no matters of merit to be gloried in & they are so simple that boasting is excluded, and free grace bears the palm. 信而受洗,本身没有值得炫耀的功勋,如此简单,没有一点可以夸口的,只有让白白的恩典得着荣耀。
Salvation in Christ is free, because of grace. 因著耶稣基督的救赎,我们便得著救恩。