Meanwhile, an opposing " top-down " governance approach involves extensive planning and strict policy enforcement. 与此同时,与之相反的“自顶向下”的治理方法包括了周密的计划和严格的政策规范。
Management plug-ins provide security, policy enforcement, and extensive logging capabilities. 管理插件提供安全性、策略强制执行和广泛的日志记录能力。
Several companies provide commercial policy decision point and policy enforcement point solutions, including IBM. 有几家公司提供了商业策略决策点和策略强制实施点解决方案,这些公司包括Oblix、Netegrity、IBM和许多其它公司。
Manage includes the maintenance of the operating environment, service performance monitoring, and service policy enforcement. 管理包括操作环境维护、服务性能监视和服务策略执行。
Mediation also serves a second key benefit, that of control and policy enforcement. 调解的第二个主要优点即控制和政策执行(PE)力。