The site where an endpoint interacts with the ESB is called a Service Interaction Point(IP) ( SIP ). 端点与ESB交互的位置称为服务交互点(SIP)。
If your users are familiar with categorized views, then you know what an interaction point can look like. 如果您的用户熟悉分类视图,那么您就可以了解交互点应采取的形式。
It is also the port represented by the activity partition, and it represents the interaction point through which the call will be accepted. 它也是有活动分区表现的端口,它表现了交互作用点,通过这个点呼叫将被接受。
SCA cannot support both provided and required interfaces for the same interaction point, thus separate import and export elements are created for service ports that provide and require interfaces. SCA不能够同时支持用于同一个交互作用点的被提供和被需求的接口,因此为提供和需求接口的服务端口分别创建导入和导出元素。
These services, then, provide an explicit business function as well as provide an interaction point for generating new business events for further event-based processing. 然后,这些服务提供一个明确的业务功能,以及一个用于生成新的业务事件、从而进行进一步基于事件的处理的交互点。