A Hilbert fractal antenna and portable monitoring system for partial discharge detection in gas insulated substations 检测GIS局放的Hilbert分形天线及便携式监测系统
With the development of power industry and the rise of voltage grade, more and more gas insulated substations ( GIS ) are used in modern power systems. 随着我国电力工业的高速发展和电压等级的不断提高,气体绝缘变电站(GIS)(GIS)在电力系统中的应用越来越广泛。
On line partial discharge monitoring techniques for gas insulated substations 气体绝缘开关设备中局部放电的在线监测技术
To study the very fast transient overvoltage ( VFTO ) distributions in transformer windings in gas insulated substations ( GIS ), a systematic methodology is presented for establishing the high frequency lumped circuit model of transformer windings. 为了研究陡波前过电压对变压器的影响,从短路导纳参数出发,提出了一种建立变压器绕组高频集中电路模型的方法。
Investigation was performed on the possibility of suppressing Very Fast Transient Overvoltage ( VFTO ) in Gas Insulated Substations(GIS) ( GIS ) by ferrite rings. 研究了用铁氧体磁环抑制全封闭组合电器(GIS)的特快速暂态过电压(VFTO)的可能性。