In this article, you added file-upload capabilities as well as an Atom syndication feed. 在本文中,您添加了文件上传功能,以及一个Atom聚合feed。
The popular syndication formats RSS1.0 and RSS2.0 each have their own ways of associating such licenses with feeds. RSS1.0和RSS2.0这两种流行的联合格式都有其自己的方式来将这些许可与提要(feed)相关联。
It also has a sizeable distribution and syndication business in overseas markets, including the US and Canada. 它还在包括美国和加拿大在内的海外市场拥有大规模的发行和合作业务。
RSS is an XML-based information syndication technology, which transfers the information to user quickly and timely. RSS是基于XML的信息聚合技术,它使信息能够迅速、及时的传递给用户。
Users can follow each other, which is basically a simplified syndication service. 用户可以相互追随,这实际上就是一个简化的联合(syndication)服务。