By utilizing a multipinhole array coupled to a soft X-ray streak camera, the plasma evolution in laser heated area ( primary plasmas ) and X-ray heated area ( secondary plasmas ) was observed. 首次利用多针孔阵列成像技术结合软X光扫描相机观察激光加热区和X光加热区等离子体的运动,获得了初级和次级等离子体膨胀速度等结果。
Radiation temperature in hohlraums is diagnosed by using two soft X-ray spectrometers and a multi-pinhole soft X-ray streak camera. 介绍利用两台软X射线能谱仪和多针孔软X射线条纹相机配合诊断腔内的辐射温度。
A radiation temperature measurement method for laser-plasma using soft X-ray streak camera 软X射线条纹相机用于激光等离子体辐射温度的测量方法
Two elliptical crystal analyzers are symmetrically arranged in the up-and-down direction, the space-resolved spectrum is recorded with a soft X-ray CCD camera in the upper channel, and the time-resolved spectrum is recorded with a soft X-ray streak camera in the lower channel. 将两个完全相同的椭圆晶体分析器进行上下对称布置,在上通道用软X射线CCD相机测量空间分辨光谱,在下通道用软X射线条纹相机测量时间分辨光谱。
Nanosecond UV / Soft X-Ray Streak Camera 纳秒级紫外/软X射线条纹相机