She joined IBM in2000 as a Principal Technical Writer for the IBM / Lotus Software Group(SWG). 她于2000年加入IBM,是IBM/LotusSoftwareGroup的首席技术作者。
GB : What inspires you most about leading the software development brand at IBM Software Group(SWG)? GB:关于在IBM软件集团领导软件开发品牌,什么对你启示最大?
Bobby McChesney is an advisory software engineer in the IBM Software Group(SWG) with 23 years of experience at IBM. BobbyMcChesney是IBMSoftwareGroup的一名咨询软件工程师,在IBM有23年的工作经验。
Generally, to the IBM Software Group(SWG), a processor is a functional unit within a computing device that interprets and executes instructions. 通常,对于IBMSoftwareGroup而言,一个处理器是一台计算设备中用于解释和执行指令的一个功能部件。
More than 30 companies from Europe and the United States, including travel websites Expedia and the software group Microsoft, have complained that Google is harming their businesses. 来自欧洲和美国的30多家公司投诉谷歌损害了公司业务,其中包括旅游网站Expedia和微软。