On average, one line of high level language code translates into many lines of assembly language code. 平均起来,一行高级语言代码要转换成多行汇编语言代码。
Merit of assembly model directly impact on the efficiency of the design of following work, therefore a high level of integration, complete information on the assembly model has a great significance. 装配模型的优劣直接影响到设计后续工作的效率,故而建立一个集成度高、信息完善的装配模型具有重要的意义。
Respecting the principle of high jumping-off point, high qualification standard and high quality level, Poly Art is equipped with leading-edge production assembly lines and testing instrument. 公司本着高起点、高标准、高质量的建厂原则,引进了先进的生产设备,测试设备。
The high level of automatic in present machining has been realized. Therefore the productivity of parts increased in a large scale. However, because of the complexity of assembly sector, the automation of assembly was always hard to realize. 在当代的生产制造中,加工已经实现了高度的自动化,这使得零件的产量大幅度提高,然而由于装配环节的复杂性,其自动化程度很难达到要求,使得其成为产品生产的一个瓶颈。