Your browsing session is handled through SurfEasy's fast and secure private proxy network. 你的浏览部分通过SurfEasy快速和安全的隐私代理网络处理。
Building network and Guaranteeing Security are two main functions of VPN. VPN network building is the tunneling technology based processs of building the exclusive and secure virtual private network. VPN具有组网和安全两大功能,VPN组网是基于隧道技术为用户构建安全、独占的虚拟专用网络的过程。
This article elaborates the application of VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) to the campus net. There are tunnel technology, encryption technology, status authentication technology and so on applied in VPN. The technology of VPN can construct a secure but private network on Internet. VPN技术是采用隧道技术以及加密、身份认证等方法,在Internet上构建专用网络的技术,数据信息通过安全的加密管道便能在Internet中传播。
Construction of the secure virtual private network 构建安全的虚拟网
A Secure Quantum Virtual Private Network Scheme in Passive Optical Network 基于PON网络的安全量子VPN方案