New modules are planned for anti-submarine warfare, minehunting, surface warfare, surveillance and special operations. 新模块计划应用于反潜作战,海中排雷,海面战斗,军事侦察和一些特殊作业。
By the late1990s the Yu-7 were equipped by almost all Chinese-built surface combatants for anti-submarine warfare. 在1990年后期之前,鱼-7用于反潜战几乎被所有中国建造的水面战舰装备。
Radio-frequency atmospheric pressure glow discharge ( RF APGD ) cold plasmas have widespread applications in different fields, including plasma-aided etching, deposition, material surface cleaning and ashing, sterilization and biological warfare agents due to the removal of the vacuum system. 大气压射频辉光放电冷等离子体由于摆脱了真空腔的限制,在等离子体辅助刻蚀、灰化、薄膜沉积、材料表面清洗、消毒灭菌、战地生化等领域有着非常广阔的应用前景。
As a representation of surface warship, virtual ship ( VS ) is a key component of simulation environment for sea warfare. And it is also a reconfigurable distributed simulation system and virtual lab environment that needs to be constructed first. 虚拟舰艇是海战仿真中作战水面舰艇的仿真实体表示,是实现海军装备体系对抗仿真环境的主要部件之一,其本身也是一个综合仿真系统和虚拟实验环境。
The surface force has combat and support units, which have anti-ship, anti-submarine, air defense, mine warfare and shore attack capabilities. 水面舰艇部队编有战斗舰艇部队和勤务舰船部队,具有在海上进行反舰、反潜、防空、水雷战和对岸攻击等作战能力。