The mushroom kingdom comprises a vast and organized community system. 蘑菇王国(TMK)包含了一个巨大有组织的群落系统。
I recently began co-creating mushroom tinctures along with the mushroom kingdom. 最近,我开始和蘑菇王国(TMK)一起共同创造蘑菇酊剂。
Biologists have studied the capacities of this kingdom by creating conditions unfavorable to certain trees in the forest and monitoring the response of the mushroom kingdom. 生物学家已经通过创造森林中对某些树木不利的环境并监控蘑菇王国(TMK)的反应,从而研究了这一王国的能力。
As I began to process my feelings about being surrounded by such devastation and mechanically hunt for mushrooms as instructed, I began to focus on the mushroom kingdom. 当我开始处理被这样一个毁灭所包围的感受,并机械地按照指示来寻找蘑菇时,我开始聚焦到蘑菇王国(TMK)。
When I look back on that experience now, the mushroom kingdom communicates that the devastation by these human activities is immense, but that they are masters of remediation. 当我现在回顾这一经历时,蘑菇王国(TMK)告诉我,人类的这些活动所带来的毁灭是巨大的,但它们是修复的大师。