Student leaders appeared on television to ask for calm. 学生领袖出现在电视上请求大家保持冷静。
The student that learns broadcasting television playwright-director is caught more impossibly also on major. 也更不可能在专业上赶上学习广播电视编导的学生。
Not long after that call, his roommate, a Chinese engineering student, returned to their hostel with a second-hand television. 就在和母亲通话后不久,他的室友,一名工程学专业的中国学生,把一台二手电视抱回了宿舍。
Recently a student and I were talking about one of our favorite television programs. I mentioned that I had missed the latest installment. 最近一个学生跟我讨论一个我们都很喜爱的电视节目。
A German student who won1 million euros ( 670,000 pounds ) in a television quiz show wants to use part of his jackpot to pay for his parents'wedding. 一名德国学生在一场电视智力竞赛中赢得百万欧元的奖金,他决定用其中的一部分为父母操办一场奢华婚礼。