Based on the quark current, the magnetic moments operator is obtained in non-relativistic approximation. 从夸克流出发,在非相对论(NR)近似下推导得出了磁矩算符的具体形式;
Still, non-relativistic quantum mechanics is also used due to its simplicity and when relativistic effects are relatively small. 尽管如此,也使用非相对性量子力学,由于其简单而当相对论作用相对小时候。
The independence between Boyle law and Joule law in non-relativistic thermodynamics 非相对论(NR)热力学中玻意耳定律与焦耳定律的相互独立性
Non-relativistic quark potential model is a simpler and more useful phenomenological model among the various theories for describing the quark motion in hadrons. 在诸多描述强子内夸克运动的理论中,非相对论(NR)性夸克势模型是一种简单而又非常有效的唯象模型。
Dispersion law and Landau damping for the non-relativistic case have been well studied. 对于非相对论(NR)性等离子体的色散关系和朗道阻尼,前人已作了非常详细的研究。