Our existing relief measures for the crime victims mainly include offender compensation, national assistance by local government, Judiciary and other state organs as well as social assistance activities spontaneously launched by private individuals or organizations. 我国现有的救济刑事被害人的措施主要包括犯罪人赔偿,地方政府、司法机关等代表的国家机关实施的国家救助以及散见于民间的个人或组织自发的社会救助活动。
At last we should establish the civil relief system of the organ transplantation crime so the victims can get appropriate compensation. 最后,要建立健全器官移植犯罪的民事救济机制,使受害者得到适当的经济补偿。
It is widely maintained that the state is supposed to establish the compensation system for crime victims; due to the limit of economic development and state financial capability, however, the compensation system based on the State Responsibility Theory is impracticable. 国家必须建立刑事被害人补偿制度,但限于经济发展水平和国家财力状况,以国家责任说为指导的补偿制度并不符合实际条件的许可。
With the realization on crime Victims especially the promotion of the victim rights movement in 20th century, most countries today have provided compensation to crime victims. 随着人类对犯罪被害人认识的不断深化,尤其是在20世纪被害人运动的推动下,被害人国家补偿制度终于在世界大多数国家得以重新确立。