In advantages of easy construction and low cost, the steel tube confined concrete column ring beam joint with shear ring has been widely used in the connection between steel tube confined concrete column and reinforced concrete beam in the steel tube-confined concrete structures in recent years. 带抗剪环的钢管混凝土柱环梁节点因施工简便、造价较低等优点,近几年已成为钢管混凝土结构中广泛应用的连接钢管混凝土柱与钢筋混凝土梁的节点形式。
Each chain-palm unit has the structure that an oblong reinforcing steel frame provided with a partition board at the middle part is in sleeve joint with a movable sleeve ring. 链掌单元是由中间设有一个隔板的长方形钢筋框通过活套环套接构成。