Approach to semantic query optimization in deductive database 演绎数据库中的语义查询优化(SQO)方法
A strategy of semantic query optimization, which is based on cost model and the concept of constraint strength, is proposed. Further discussion on the deletion of join operations is given. 本文提出了建立在费用模型及约束强度概念上的语义优化策略,并对查询语句中连接运算的删除作了进一步讨论。
Semantic query optimization technology and application based on association rules 基于关联规则的语义查询优化(SQO)技术及应用
Semantic query optimization of deductive database is an optimization method, through semantic knowledge, namely integrity constraints in deductive databases, which turns queries that user casts into efficient and equivalent ones. 演绎数据库语义查询优化(SQO)是运用数据库中的语义知识,即完整性约束条件,将用户提交的一种查询转换为能有效执行,并与原查询等价的查询的一种优化方法。
Algorithm of Bottom-up Static Semantic Query Optimization(SQO) 一种自底向上的静态语义查询优化(SQO)算法