The eastern area may have a better petroleum potential as its methane content in lower atmosphere is mid to high and its methane content in interstitial water is mid to low. 东部区含油气远景较好,该区低层大气甲烷含量为中-高值,间隙水甲烷含量为中-低值;
Studying on driving mechanism transformation helps us better understanding petroleum migration and its characteristics, which facilitates our tracing in detailed to migration path of petroleum. 对成藏动力系统间油气驱动机制转换的研究将加深油气运移过程中关键环节的认识,从而更加精细追踪油气运移路径。
It was testified by determining the physical-chemical properties of wall-broken and wall-unbroken rape bee pollen oil and then comparing them that supercritical CO2 extraction was better than petroleum ether cold soak extraction. 经测定并比较超临界CO2萃取法和石油醚冷浸提取法萃取的破壁和未破壁油菜蜂花粉油的理化性质,超临界CO2萃取法是较为理想的提取方法。
Oil source correlation shows that Palaeozoic foreland underneath the Lower Tertiary depression has much better prospect for petroleum exploration. 油源对比表明:老第三纪以下的古生代前陆盆地有更大的油气前景。
Degreasing effect of ether was obviously better than that of petroleum ether. 乙醚脱脂效果明显优于石油醚。