' It's silly because I don't want to be a slave to marketing but it really got into my head, ' said Ms. Daniels, who recently switched to the Samsung phone from an older iPhone. 丹尼尔斯说,我想我是有点傻,我不想成为营销手段的奴隶,但是它确实让我十分着迷。不久前,她抛弃了自己的旧款iPhone,换成了三星手机。
Ditto for the Samsung Gear smartwatch, which is about $ 300 and requires that you own a Samsung phone or tablet. 三星Gear智能手表也是这样,它售价大约在300美元,但要求和三星手机或平板电脑配合使用。
Ms. Kare said that she had even become confused herself, once picking up a Samsung phone off a table full of devices at one of the lawyer's offices when she wanted to make a point about the iPhone. 卡雷说,甚至连她自己都分不清了。她说,有一次她想从律师办公室内摆满手机的办公桌上找一部iPhone陈述观点,结果却拿起了一部三星手机。
You have to hand it to him for having a sense of humor & the newish Samsung exec opened the event by showing off his Samsung phone, proving he is now a convert. 不得不说他还是有一些幽默感的&这位新的三星高管通过展示他的三星手机揭开了发布会的序幕,并藉此证明他已皈依三星旗下。
In a sign of the changing attitudes, NTT DoCoMo Inc. President Kaoru Kato arrived at an interview with a reporter last month carrying a Samsung Galaxy phone. NTTDoCoMoInc.总裁加藤薰(KaoruKato)上个月在一次接受采访时随身携带的是一部三星Galaxy手机,这在无形中也透露出日企高管的态度转变。