You can see some of my professional modeling works on my Deviant Art(DA). 你可以看到我的一些专业建模作品艺术上的偏差。
Deviant Art(DA) is a great source of artwork to see what the minds from around the world have come up with. 越轨艺术(DA)是一种艺术品的重要来源,看看来自世界各地的头脑想出。
Wave of industrial revolution, to some extent subverts traditional values, which makes the West has been the rapid development of modern art, produced some bizarre, deviant forms of modern art. 工业革命浪潮在某种程度上颠覆了人们的传统价值观念,这使得西方的现代艺术得到了飞速发展,产生了一些光怪陆离、离经叛道的现代艺术形式。