Share it with people, because the people who can use it the most are the ones with no resources and no technology and no status and no power. 和人分享,因为最经常可以使用它的人会是那些没有资源和技术的一群人,没有社会地位和权势。
We had no technology and prices were so low back then. 我们没有技术,价格也很低。
No technology is risk free, but synthetic biology has the twist that its mistakes can breed. 技术都是有风险的,但是合成生物学却可能成为培育错误的温床。
The authors have no technology preference regarding the elimination of human interventions and hence human contamination risk. 作者没有关于排除人为干预及人员污染风险的技术偏好。
No matter what technology and what money the major oil companies have, if they do not have access to oil and gas they will be like a bank that has no money, a research centre with access to no technology. 不管石油巨头们拥有何种技术和多少资金,如果它们没有获得油气的渠道,那么,它们就像是没有资金的银行,没有技术的研究中心。