At this time of the petal, big open hearts, they know how to listen! 此时的花瓣,是大开的心扉,她们懂得倾听!
If, you want of to the love of the other party, the oneself will love for the other party one more first, proving your love with your activity and open hearts. 如果,你要的到对方的爱,首先自己就要多给对方一份爱,用你的行动和坦诚来证明你的爱。
You are a panacea, and its function is to open hearts. 您是一把万能的钥匙,它的功能是打开心扉。
Self-deprecating humor can open hearts and minds to make people receptive to ideas in ways words alone cannot. 自嘲式幽默能让人们敞开胸怀和心思,比语言更能说服人接受一些想法。
One of the most important keys to being an effective witness for Christ is to be constantly on the lookout for open doors and open hearts. 要成为基督有效的见证人,最重要的关键之一,是经常留意有没有敞开的门和敞开的心。