By contrast, growth in China and many other emerging economies in Asia and Latin America, and to a lesser extent in the Commonwealth of Independent States, has cooled, after a surge in output beyond potential following the recovery from the Great Recession. 相比之下,中国和其他亚洲及拉美新兴经济体,以及独联体国家(程度较小一些),在从大衰退(GreatRecession)复苏以来经历了一轮超出潜能的产出猛涨以后,增长已经降温了。
Now's the time, to go way beyond your potential. 现在开始爆发你们的潜能。
Beyond China, it is increasingly clear that many emerging economies have been growing beyond their underlying potential. 除了中国,很明显越来越多的新兴国家发展水平都超越了其潜在的经济实力。
Beyond deficiency : Potential benefits of increased intakes of vitamin K for bone and vascular health 除了缺乏以外:增加维生素K摄入量对骨和血管健康的潜在益处
Human instinct apart from the lives of intelligence have a life, the nature of intelligence life is " beyond ", give full play to go beyond the creative potential of life. 人除了本能生命,还有一个智慧生命,智慧生命的本性就是超越,超越使人发挥生命的创造潜能。