Clear communication strategies encompassing quality, trust, track record, openness and security will be in focus. 明确的沟通策略,包括质量,信任,跟踪记录,开放性和安全性将成为市场关注焦点。
Clear communication, mutual understanding and agreement are also essential in all areas of disease control. 明确传达信息、相互理解和取得共识在疾病控制的各个领域也非常重要。
This enables clear communication between the database administrator and pattern deployer. 这让数据库管理员和模式部署者可以明确地交流。
As a guide to clear communication it has probably not been bettered. 作为一本关于准确沟通的指南,它可能无出其右了。
Clear communication tasks in each scene, learn in different scenarios how to communicate effectively in English. 明确各个场景中的交际任务,学会在不同的场景中如何用英语进行有效地沟通交流。