Based on this, an analysis on the influence mechanism of the factors such as the property-right system, bank scale, technology progress and firm efficiency is provided further and correspondent policy suggestions are put forward in this paper. 股份制银行比国有银行对上述变量的变化更敏感。在此基础上,本文进一步分析了产权制度、银行规模、技术进步和企业效率(FE)等因素的作用机制,提出了有关的改革建议。
The purpose is to determine management incentive effect on firm efficiency, and for different sectors to identify appropriate incentives to improve the management efficiency of enterprises. 目的在于确定管理激励对企业效率(FE)的影响,并针对不同的行业找出合适的管理层激励机制提高企业的效率。
Impacts of Rent - seeking - by - knowledge Behavior on Firm Efficiency(FE) 知识寻租行为对企业效率(FE)的影响
After analyzing the mechanism of supply and demand, competition and cooperation, compensation determinant in firms, the author put forth the concept that internal security mechanism is the fourth mechanism in the improvement of firm efficiency. 在分析了企业内部劳动力市场的供求、竞争与合作、薪酬决定等三个机制后,将企业内部保障作为提高企业效率(FE)的第四机制。
Then the corporate governance is connected closely with labor relations in true world. Labor relations are the crucial influencing factors to the firm efficiency. 因此,公司治理与劳动关系在实践中是紧密联系在一起的,劳动关系是影响企业效率(FE)的重要因素。