Four of the city building department is responsible for the allocation and use of funds earmarked for supervision. 第四条市建设行政主管部门负责对专用基金的划拨和使用进行监督。
Some local governments even use state funds earmarked for green belts, parks or environmental protection and rehabilitation projects to build golf courses, despite the damage they can cause to the environment. 一些地方政府甚至会挪用指定用于城市绿化带、公园建设、或环境保护和整治工程的国家拨款,修建高尔夫球场,而不顾可能会对环境造成多大破坏。
Donors should think carefully before committing funds earmarked for vaccines to the Advanced Market Commitment ( AMC ) model, says Donald W.Light in this Lancet article. 多纳德·赖特(DonaldW.Light)在《柳叶刀》杂志的这篇文章中写道,捐助者在把疫苗研发资金投入先进市场委托(advancedmarketcommitment)模式之前,应该认真思考一下。
Article 31 People's governments at various levels may allocate an appropriate part of the funds earmarked for developing science and technology and for spreading the use of advanced techniques in rural areas for the use of vocational training there. 第三十一条各级人民政府可以将农村科学技术开发、技术推广的经费,适当用于农村职业培训。
Funds previously earmarked for the Constellation program would be used for research projects that include robotics and other technologies needed to prepare for an eventual human mission to Mars. 以前指定用于星座计划的基金可以用于研究项目,包括机器人以及其它为人类最终去往火星的使命做准备所需要的技术。